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CREC Learning Circle

What is a Case Study?

I led the Learnig Circle tonight and posed the questions: What is a Case Study? Is it a paradigm, approach, methodology, method or process?

Ragin, who posed the question “What is a Case?” states that it is important to be clear about “the meanings of the terms we use to describe what we do” (1992, p.4), which is why it led me to question and search for an understanding of what my definition of a case study is.

Is it a paradigm?

Kuhn (1962, p.10-11) suggested a scientific paradigm draws on: "… accepted examples of actual scientific practice – examples which include law, theory, application, and instrumentation together – provide models from which spring particular coherent traditions of scientific research. … Men whose research is based on shared paradigms are committed to the same rules and standards for scientific practice".

Is it a methodology?

Some academics seem to use the words methodology and method interchangeably (Merriam, 1998) whereas others seem to suggest methodology and method are conflicting concepts (Hammersley, 2006). Dictionary definitions are also inconsistent.

Is it a method?

According to Hammersley and Gomm some researchers define case studies as a method “depending on the problem under investigation” (2000, p.3). This is quite vague.

Is it a process?

Yin (2009) seems to suggests it is when describing his five-step process that involves:

  1. selecting a study question;

  2. developing a proposition (if any);

  3. defining the unit(s) of analysis;

  4. linking data to the proposition; and

  5. choosing the criteria for interpreting findings.

Up to you to decide!

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