Submitted my abstract to present in February
An interactive discussion about the research design of a case study on children’s rights in the early years in 3 countries
Theme: Professional Development: What are the professional implications of the development of a 'risk averse' culture - how might these be addressed
Type: Individual Proposal
1. Research aims or questions
The aim of this PhD study is to make the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) more relevant in ECEC by advancing an understanding of how it can be used as a frame of reference in day-to-day interactions in settings.
2. Relationship to previous studies by others and self There is emerging evidence about the positive impact and improved outcomes for children in Rights Respecting Schools in England (Covell et al., 2011; UNICEF UK, 2015); however, there is limited research on Rights Based Pedagogy (RBP) in settings for children under three.
3. Theoretical and conceptual framework of research The Committee on the Rights of the Child specifically recommends that all signatories of the CRC create an agenda for rights in ECEC. RBP fits in with this recommendation and the sociology of childhood that has emerged in the last decades, that recognises children as a social group with their own set of interests and rights.
4. Paradigm, methodology and methods A phenomenological multiple-case design is being developed, located within an interpretivist paradigm. The intention is to collect data using multiple methods. This symposium will discuss the research design and ethical issues when carrying out research with very young children.
5. Ethical Considerations Ethical considerations will follow University, National and BERA guidelines informing issues such as ongoing assent/consent and confidentiality.
6. Main finding or discussion The literature supports the notion that professionals need to recognise the political nature of ECEC and acknowledge the democratic value of promoting children's rights.
7. Implications, practice or policy This study will contribute to the field by bridging policy and practice and moving the children's rights debate on from rhetoric to understanding what RBP could look like in practice.
Keywords: Pedagogy, Birth to Three, Case study