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PhD on hold for January

Instead of transcribing interviews as planned, I have taken on to write a literature review for CREC about what research tells us about effective pedagogic practice and children's outcomes in the Reception Year in England. Hundreds of hits on ERIC and BEI. Lots to read in a limited amount of time.

Research articles that stand out are:

Papatheodorou, T. (2010) Being, Belonging and Becoming: Some Worldviews of Early Childhood in Contemporary Curricula. Accessed 20 January 2017. Available at:

Roberts-Holmes, G. (2015) The ‘datafication’ of early years pedagogy: ‘if the teaching is good, the data should be good and if there’s bad teaching, there is bad data’. Journal of Education Policy30(3), pp.302-315

Walsh, G.M., McGuinness, C., Sproule, L. and Trew, K. (2011) Implementing a play-based and developmentally appropriate curriculum in Northern Ireland primary schools: what lessons have we learned? Early Years 30(1), pp.53-66.

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