Our session today was a relaxed session where we looked at resources, since this was something the group had mentioned that they were interested in at the previous meeting. The main resources tend to be from Amnesty International, Save the Children and UNICEF. The Building Belonging Australian programme has however also got some good resources online. Much can be found online or bought directly from the individual organisations.
Amnesty tends to take a general Human Rights approach rather than using the Convention, whereas UNICEF has a Convention based approach. I mentioned that I particularly like the UNICEF "Find the Rights" poster, as a starting point for conversations. A member of the group mentioned she had worked with a resource called "Teaching citizenship through traditional tales" that sounds really interesting.
The group activity this session revolved around, was around the adult's role according to the UNCRC. Instead of looking at what rights children have, we flipped the focus onto the adult. We started the process of looking at what exactly we as practitioners can do to fulfil each of the Articles.
Interestingly on group member felt that it has been good to explore children's rights beyond UNCRC Summaries and the child friendly versions of the UNCRC that are usually handed out, and work with the convention document itself.