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Updated: Feb 17, 2020

Great to be, the whole team, together for the first time this year. We had a lively discussion, digressing into interesting topics and filling Eleni in on where I am at this moment in time. I have completed the transcription, analysis an descriptive data of my two English settings, and ready to move on to work with the data form Finland. Great milestone!

Before the session I was invited in to join another students supervision, and we discussed the notion of building trust. Sharon like I do not agree with authors such as Deborah Harcourt, that in research with young children, you need a long time to build trusting relationships. Our personal experience is that we very quickly established trusting relationships with the children. I do recognise they may have been fleeting or transient, but still positive and meaningful.

In fact, if we adults form first impressions within seconds, I believe children form first impressions very quickly too, and decide fairly quickly if they think an adult is trustworthy or not. One study from Harvard suggested that by the age of 7, children reach the same accuracy level when identifying trustworthy or non-trustworthy individuals from photographs as adults … this is something I will return to later, when reflecting on my methodology.

The above research from Harvard was led by psychological scientist Emily Cogsdill and showed that the predisposition to judge others based on physical features starts early in childhood and does not require years of social experience.

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