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It was again really great to be the whole team together.

As we were talking about the latest data from my transcripts from a setting in Finland, C.P. pointed out how situated children’s rights are, and linked to cultural underpinnings – how the macro climate (government policies) influences the micro climate – practice in settings – and all dependent on a particular historical moment in in time - chrono time. I mentioned that although highly influenced by Bronfenbrenner’s ecological approach, I am using my own 5-level theoretical framework, based on Walker and Avant’s model of theory construction

We went on to talk about the political nature of my research and Eleni suggested my research requires a political chapter. I agreed I would address political issues, but probably not a full chapter. I pointed out how political aspects would fit in to the Meta theory level.

Interesting issue to raise would be the way the political climate of the country influences how professionals view their governments and respond to policies and initiatives

Social democracy vs. Neo-liberalism

Trust vs. Distrust of government --> Both approaches have potential to lead to cohesion or fracturing

Decentralised vs. Centralised control

Room for local interpretation vs. Centrally controlled

Tony took us off on a delightful tangent, talking about Aristotle and Ancient Greek words such as sophia, phronesis, nous, techno and gnosis. So I looked up Aristotle and his 5 ways of arriving at knowledge or the truth when I got home. Aristotle called them:

  • Ars, techne – art – craftsmanship, production of an object (technology + fine art)

  • Episteme – science – universal knowledge (theoretical concepts, context-free)

  • Nous – intuition – (common sense)

  • Sophia – wisdom – knowledge from others (books etc.)

  • Phronesis – practical wisdom (experiential knowledge, knowing what to do)

Aristotle suggested sophia (wisdom) was the most finished form of knowledge, which is a combination of nous (intuition) and episteme (science)

Tony also mentioned Gnosis – knowing in your heart (knowledge beyond the 5 senses) - putting some of them together Tony suggested we need to awaken sophia, weave phronesis in with it, and add a bit of gnosis, in our practice

We also talked about Nordic words that do not exist in English and are difficult to translate as they have an emotional connotation to them such as:

  • “trygghet” (Feeling safe (secure), cared for and valued)

  • “hygge” (cosines, feeling warm and fuzzy)

  • “lyhörd” (being perceptive and responding with sensitivity from reading between the lines)

I also mentioned my recent conversation with my lawyer friend in Sweden on how to interpret some of the Articles – their discreteness – and arguments we had in relation to Articles 2, 3, 7, 13, 15 and 18.3. We had a very interesting discussion on the so-called indivisibility of the Articles and the 4 General Principles. My friend and I agreed that all Articles are important but some maybe more applicable or relevant at different ages.

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